The company was registered in 2010 as a joint partnership between the Chairman of PLC Holdings International and a leading medical equipment trading company in Sri Lanka. In 2014 PLC Holdings became the major share holder of the company and completely reorganized the company changing the location and with new recruitments focused on the specific lines of principals. The company keeps investing in strengthening the technical support division with highly experienced technical professionals. Today TMI Solutions (Pvt) Ltd remains a fully own subsidiary of PLC Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.
TMI will partner with high quality medical equipment manufacturers to bring the best quality medical equipment to the Sri Lankan market which will improve treatment quality at hospital level.
TMI Solutions (Pvt) Limited is one of the largest and most recognized medical devices companies in Sri Lanka that markets and distributes high end medical health products and laboratory devices. Since its founding days, TMI Solutions’s strategy has been focused on creating a unique medical device industry that provides state of the art products to its end users and the communities in which it serves.
Our vision of becoming a domestic giant with international standards drives our long and sustainable business and is essential in the way we determine our approach. We invest patiently in our assets while exercising a long term strategy, we improve the quality and the value of our assets by partnering with multinational companies and we enhance productivity by partnering with professional management teams, skilful labour and high end technology in order to help us achieve our full potential. Once we commit to a strategic objective, we stick to it across all levels and functions in order to deliver on our promise.
We are convinced that our partners and employees depend on us to protect their investments and deliver the level of dividends needed to meet their financial obligations. By exercising a culture that strives to avoid undue risk, we are able to protect capital and increase shareholders’ value. Our Management Team also comprehends that our high standards of integrity, places great value on doing the appropriatethings and on doing things with utmost business etiquette. We are proud that our efforts to build a great Company have been recognized locally and internationally by our competitors and our peers.
TMI Solutions remains extremely well positioned to deliver greater results for investors and to grow its businesses and its international territory opportunities. TMI Solutions has a diverse platform that gives us exceptional access to compelling opportunities across a wide range of products and markets. An extraordinary leadership team with a relentless commitment to excellence provides the expertise and wisdom to guide our decisions. Finally, we have a proven approach to expand exponentially over a long-term strategy.
Our investment in the upgrade of our R & D facilities with the addition of a new top of the line technical workshops is a prime example of our commitment to a long-time strategy. During a difficult time of political and economic instability, we continued to support a highly skillfullabor force, a team of highly trained professionals and a great management team in achieving our operating synergies and in growing our business regionally, while taking a futuristic viewpoint to further fortify our investment in order to increase our turnover value.
We thank our stakeholders for their confidence in our Company, and we thank our employees for committing their talent and expertise to our success. We look forward to report continued strong performance going forward.
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